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PostWysłany: Sob 17:22, 18 Gru 2010    Temat postu: Gods and Journey to the West character relationshi

from the entire development process, the demon has been in the deities in the lowest level, and people are similar levels of other base classes. Although it is tragic, but the Gods during the development of leadership and command to be Goddess Journey to the West during the independence and freedom, after all, improved.
At this point, there is no God. That later became the head of the Emperor of God, when is immortal, and is responsible for the management of complaints cents, somewhat similar to ancient Chinese judiciary. The result is Gods appear in the deities, the god of this group, this group is somewhat similar to the class warriors in ancient China. Another result is completely cut to teach die, sen will be non-human origin, all pushed to the god of this new group, and pushed to the western part of the West to teach this new organization. Since then, the non-human practice can only start with the demon, and then again become a god or Buddha, but more is reduced to God, Saints, Buddha's attendants, and mounts.
(b) the evolution of gods
Look at the Monkey King, is not affected by the faith, became a struggle over the Buddha? Perhaps, for him personally, and enlisted in the Song Jiang to the same family line of the. But the demon, the ghost, he is a surrendered.
Through these, we can assume that the changes in that hidden, the results must be dismembered illustrates teaching, the attacker is to God as the main Buddha as allies, Lord Lao Zi to be the alliance within the organization. The result is an agreement to teach God and Explanation, Interpretation of Education in the reluctance to accept the agreement to seek refuge with the Buddha, the Buddha carved out illustrates God and to teach.
Journey to the West
reference is the history of Buddhism into China during the Three Kingdoms period, we have reason to believe that this action is to create a ghost Three Kingdoms period. This explains why three-quarters of the Three Kingdoms period because of population decline. Create ghost actions, Lao Zi was completely playing God, not only did not get the leadership cents, but can not take the same boat with God. Because of this frustration, Lord Lao Zi in the Journey to the West simply to meet the Monkey King, and even then with the help of the Monkey King Dan furnace smelting. Another result of creating ghost action is the liberation of the monster. It's like the Chinese Warring States period, the emancipation of the slaves as farmers. Although still at the very bottom, but in the end have greater autonomy than before. Specific actions in creating ghost, God, Saints, Buddha in all naysayers or removed, or their own defection, and then formed a loose alliance --- magic. Magic is composed of the complex, and there is no clear political goal, so the power is extremely fragmented. However, due to very strong, God, Buddha, the magic has been very vigilant. Since then, the emergence of the Monkey King,Features the most complete history of recipes!, causing a major change. By Li Jing rock of our master of the Monkey King, you can tell, the other founder of the Monkey King is a Buddhist culture. If from the system, the Monkey King as a god or Buddha Park directly no problem, but it happens not. This anomaly, which contains another conspiracy. This is the story of Journey to the West.
Journey time: God high above, Sin by God's protection. Cents off the demon's leadership. Buddha despite fewer, but powerful. Co-management with the Buddhist spirit of God. Independent of the various ethnic magic. Hyun who follow God, Saints, Buddha practice. People still live on earth, but the ghost of another state is vested in the management system. Here there is a problem, a variety of ethnic groups, the deities are not the phenomenon of co-management, independence exists here. Also, ghosts and magic are all from scratch, why ghosts have such strict management, and magic does not?
(g) fight Exceeding
Therefore, we have reason to believe, to the liberation of demons, that is magic! The Buddha Union in order to gain the victory, it must be based on the demons, the establishment of demons alliance against the ruling deities. According to Chinese history, deities of the war, the rise is when the demons. Unfortunately, Journey to the West after they disregarded. I do not know that demons are achieved independence.

with previous analysis, the answer almost certain.
this period, the already existing forces God, Saints, Buddha, and the devil, demons, ghosts six groups. One, the God of Gods who founded during the standings figure. Sin is greatly reduced compared with the number of Gods time, and this time has spread into a Xiandu independent groups, shows like Sin is no longer organized as a period of Gods. Journey to the West during the Buddha can be seen, the most powerful, its next talent.
Gods before God, is not. Gods Gods purpose is not so much, as it is to create God. As we look at what are the conditions of God. First of all, is not qualified for the origin, that is, whether people, fairy, demon, fairy, or as long as access to the recognition of God's supreme ruler, they can become God. This point, see the Monkey King is the best understood. Monkey school successfully implemented the book, but this group is the demon. However, the recognition by the Jade Emperor, to leap to God. So we can assume that God in the recruitment of personnel
(d) the production of magic and demon development
from the Gods, to create a ghost, to the Journey to the West, we see the decline of Sin and God's power and the growth of the Buddha. But in a battle, we see only the heroic image of the Buddha are gods, but I wonder if they Zhefan fight for what?
So, we see Journey to the West, we often see the magic of the far top of a mountain or cave, even if there are contacts with each other, but also \happy when not seen. This is the Journey to the West, Tang and his party met a lot of demons along the way, but it was not a siege of these magic together. Is because the magic is just a loose group.
ghost source is human soul, in a sense, is another person's state. Ghost of God uses a similar organizational structure, leadership from the hell. The strange thing is, the Buddha also has a ghost of leadership, for example, Earth Store Bodhisattva. Thus, there is a dual leadership of the ghosts of the body. Yama directly under God, under God, God will delegate management of ghosts, hell's men did not say what ethnic groups, but its appearance should be the main demon. In other words, God through the appointed officers, the use of demon for staff, management of a ghost. The Buddha sent the Earth Store Bodhisattva, etc., are not responsible for the specific administrative work, but only is responsible for overseeing the management of a ghost. This shows that ghost management, similar to China's state-owned enterprises. Government-appointed official who is the national business leaders, middle management and then employ staff, I sent political cadres for the Party secretary, responsible for overseeing the business operation.
magic period of this population is not in the Gods. Although there are four brothers red magic ritual, but not magic.
we refer to reality, at this time of the Buddha is similar to Bill Gates's Microsoft. Microsoft's first business is two, and then gradually developed into a number of not much, but the creation of wealth the world's first Tyrannosaurus rex absolute level of large companies. Buddha did, from the Gods during the duo to the elite team during the Journey to the West, and Microsoft never ran similar. Buddha from the organization concerned, there is also a class, but this organizational structure is different from God. God is a multi-level organizations, such as the estimated level in ancient China as the Nine. The Buddha is only the Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat and others this simple layers. This aspect of the Buddha by the number of constraints, can not take a multi-level organizations, on the other hand, is directly used by the Buddha respected modern management flat management model. From the perspective of modern management, the Buddha's management model is significantly higher than that of God's management. From the practical effect of view, it is.
magic this group, very strange, monster, Sin, God, Buddha, there. This and the Republic of China *** China, I have students at the party, officials, warlords, and peasants, workers, has great variety, and all superior ability. And the same kind of magic!
seen from the source of magic is very complex, there is made from the demon practice, there are denounced as demons from God, but also denounced as demons from the Buddha. But there is one thing in common, and the devil are the traitor. Therefore, we can believe that magic this group, is a rebel group originally one of their own self-built organization. For this group may have, we could barely see. Can only guess is that at a certain time, for some reason had the magic. During the Journey to the West, the magic of this body and not a leader, there is no close contact with each other, even if there is interaction between a very loose and does not have any effect. Moreover, the Magic for the defection of what this organization has no intention to condemn or criticize the class. So, magic is a free organization, can be said that a liberal or anarchist organization, or a club is more accurate.
in the previous analysis, we have repeatedly mentioned that the two groups, ghosts and demons. During the Gods, demons ruled by the fairy, and ghost-free ruler. The Journey to the period of a ghost by the deities, however, and no ruler of the demon. Look through the phenomenon of nature, whether or not the dominant rule, ghosts and demons have been in God, Saints, under the rule of the Buddha. It makes me helpless, but a fact. Take a look at Chinese history, can see, creating a ghost Gods Journey to the West, but the ruling class of the game, and the background of this war game is on the cruel rule of demons and ghosts.
described earlier when he was a demon, and the mysterious demon who is the same level of cultivation stage. The various biological and non-living is lower than the monster and the mysterious persons of a class. Another ghost state as a person, the ghosts and the mysterious demon who is below the class. This also explains why in God's hands demon to work and manage a ghost.
then we say that demon. Period of this population demon has existed in the Gods, but by Nu Wa leadership. To the Journey to the West during the demon has no leader, and magic has become a body similar to the group. Demon of the members, mainly a variety of biological or non-human creatures. For example,moncler scarves, a fox spirit Daji, Gui, who is fine jade lute. So, as long as the sun and the moon by absorbing the essence, practicing a spell, even if the demon.
while the original Sin and Yuanshi Senior's faction leaders have retired Tongtianjiaozhu, which the two brothers led by God and Lord Lao Zi, ironically, become detached from God, but a special character. This change is very strange. Gods from the results, is the immortal to teach the process of sending cut mutilated, dismembered cut through education, overhead Tongtianjiaozhu, to explain the purpose of teaching sole ruler. At this time, but God created a level lower than the fairy population, regardless of strength or power, are far less than cents. However, during the development of the Journey to the West, the two just tune bit, but as God cents higher than the population, protected by God cents a group.
I think that in this change, the Lord Lao Zi played a damage illustrates the role of God teaches Xing Li. When the Gods, Lord Lao Zi also powerless, but in the Journey to the West period, jumped as though the leader of the Jade Emperor orders from God, but much higher than any of the status of a special realm of God. There is a saying: who benefits and who is suspect. Lord Lao Zi to obtain this special treatment, absolutely can not be reactive and subject to the. Moreover, according to the initial strength of God, it is impossible to explain the disintegration of Education.
this way, we have a clear organization chart.
in Gods time, the Buddha taught is known as the West, this teaching is very interesting, only two Supreme: escorts and quasi mention. Journey to the West and to the period of the change of the Western Buddhist teaching, and became a strong force together with God. Journey to the West seen from the description, the number of personnel at this time of the Buddha is not more than God, nor more than cents, but the overall strength of the gods are not comparable.
the situation after watching from the Gods, Tongtianjiaozhu a complete failure, illustrates the surface of Education won the victory, the real God to get maximum benefit, based on the Buddha gained rapid development. The Lord Lao Zi is no harvest. I think that, after a period of stability with the period, Lao Zi Jade Emperor, the leader of the private discussions with God,cheap moncler jackets, going through with the power of God to replace Sin Yuanshi Senior's supreme leader. At the same time, the Buddha is also involved in the plot. But in order to deceive the public, to follow Gods action, called the ghost action for the record, on the surface, is to establish and improve the management of the ghosts. Sin may be great care and did not oppose God's action. In operation, the inner God Lord Lao Zi to be under the full help of the Buddha, beat Yuanshi Senior's, while elimination of Goddess. Yuanshi Senior's defeat, God Despite a strategic victory, but it can not completely defeat Sin,education dvds, can only Yuanshi Senior's agreement to retain the status of cents, but Sin must be under the protection of God. Thus, there are quite a Sin to God to minister at this time, God changed over the past eight management model for the central government management. The Buddha also took this opportunity expanding rapidly, a considerable part of the fairy do not want to serve in God or in God recruitment asylum to sects. In the following, God chose the management staff of ghosts, that person is three generals Guan Yu. The Buddha also create a ghost due to the enormous contribution of the operation, to be supervised by a ghost sent.
combination of these two points, can be said that the demon is the non-human living and non-biological cultivation of an initial state, is to become the basis for other ethnic groups. For the people, and the demon is the same level or those who practice Taoist monks and nuns, and we call it mysterious persons. The mysterious who is a God, Sin, Buddha, and the devil's choice. The widely circulated in the civil case. Here we can see that Sin is no longer in Journey to the West during the selected personnel from the demon, rather than through the cut-off period as the Gods taught to select personnel from the demon. Thus, the significant impact of the incident Gods. Form from the organization point of view, demons and the devil is in the Journey to the West a similar period, and this is the reason people often say that the demons. However, careful analysis of its origin, there are very different, which is why the overall strength of the stronger than evil demon reasons.
look at the distribution of power in the Journey to the West.
also a Western education, listening to the name to know is the predecessor of Buddhism. Western education was still very weak, from subglottic disciples of view, should belong to open on the West to teach in addition to prospective escorts provided, almost no strongman. This is Gods power distribution period.
As leaders in the period
two giants of traditional Chinese fiction is the myth of \From time to read a book, Journey to the West early in the Gods, but the story point of view, the early Gods Journey to the West. Composed of two characters is not the same, but common.
staff from the Buddha's point of view, a large part of the Buddha Journey to the West during the period are immortal Gods, but also well received by working in a large part of God, also belong to the Buddha. This is a people to understand. According to the above described transformation process God has a hidden history, I think, precisely because of the enormous changes that illustrates the organization of teaching cents after the dissolution of the collapse, some attached to God, some seeking refuge with the Buddha. A change in that, illustrates the absolute disintegration of religion and God have a protocol that is protected by God and Sin, and to retain the title cents. Theoretically, this is \Explain a large part of teaching in God is not invested in under the umbrella, but changed, but so, become a member of the Buddha. Some staff from the Buddha in the position of God, and God encounter great problems, will Buddhas for help, we can see that God is the alliance with the Buddha, and this alliance similar to the Sun during the KMT-CPC cooperation. *** Members of that time, many served in the Nationalist government, while retaining *** identity.
Magic is a new group is not Gods time, this group of people mainly from the cultivation of various biotic and abiotic components. Ghosts are also mentioned in the Gods, but this time the ghosts should be still in the disordered state, and magic, the strength is still weak. By the time the Journey to the West, a ghost has become an organized group. Journey to the West in the above is the main force.
appearance by the two end points, we can reasonably guess the connection to connect the two endpoints situation. I think that after the Gods, there had been a huge change, illustrates this change led to the dissolution of teaching, so that the loss of a fairy Yuanshi Senior's family and become Guanggansiling command. Changes in this, God was a great development, and possible to achieve a centralized organization from the tribal organization to change. And here, there is a very secretive person, is Lord Lao Zi.
next Fucai, try to \\Interpretation of teaching and education belong to the same cut-off sects Hongjun old Jude, so that the cross section illustrates teaching and education belong to the same door. Illustrates the call to teach from under the door of view, illustrates the Gods teaching and education before the cut-off, belong to this group cents. Was not God, Gods purpose is to explain under the teaching and taught his disciples, and cut inside the Distinguished demon god named this ethnic group. So, God is low relative to the immortal one level. Besides demon. It can be seen from the book, there is a demon is a separate ethnic group, this group mainly those from the various biotic and abiotic absorption of sun and moon through the essence of self-cultivation into. From the magic side, demons and other cents difference is not large, but not cut education teaching and illustrates accepted, but only free from home, become a demon. If the cut is to teach religion or illustrates the recruitment, said to be logical cents.
look at the God Journey to the West, and Who were similar to the Qing Government at the time? Those Buddha, Who were similar with the Western powers and?
dismembered illustrates that this is the hidden history of the results of teaching. In that operation, the joint efforts of the Buddha and God, the construction of a ghost in this group, because God has played a leading role, or because staff have a strong base of God, the Buddha did, and God used this model to jointly manage the new group.
in Gods time, cut-off can be taught many disciples, and demons are the same origin, but they are different is not the master demon, thanks to their practice, and teach the immortal cut guidelines in Tongtianjiaozhu under cultivation. Journey to the West and to the period of the demon is to be God, Buddha, and the devil for the object, the three organizations have selected talents from the demon forces as their practice habits.
(e) the development of a ghost
demon and the Gods, or the same time, sun and moon are absorbing the essence of living and non-biological components.
as ghosts and demons are not in Gods time, and in the Journey to the West during the hierarchical organization of groups already.
through these surfaces, we also see the demons and ghosts of the rulers of the resistance. Da Ji and Diao Chan thou art like that, but one source of trouble, one is the heroine. Monkey King, a staunch rebel, and ultimately is just another Song Jiang. Some people say that god is to believe. What is faith? Faith is nothing but a means of domination, just as the reality of religion.
demon Goddess Gods, in Journey to the West era was gone. As to when not seen, because of and not see, go where we have no way of the test, which rely on you for digging.
Gods before the leader of a cross-sectional cents teaching Tongtianjiaozhu and illustrates teaching Yuanshi revere. Journey to the West but to the period, Sin has no nominal leader, from the behavior point of view, has succumbed to the Jade Emperor was.
(f) the hidden history
(c) the development of the Buddha
Therefore, it is precisely because the Buddha's talent with a strict mechanism to ensure the Buddha in the case of small numbers to maintain a strong strength. This is exactly the same as Microsoft's elitism. Buddha in Gods time is not the selection of the power of talent, only from God, Sin, and the characters are not selected. This is to see Gods mentioned in the escorts and the potential people who would know that rein in the door. They are neither received immortality, nor God's people, was cut to teach at the closure of the disintegration of the eve of the way to cut teaching staff laid off and only the nearest cent, clergy post. All those who are not on the Gods chosen people are laid off, are also provided escorts and associate staff in the selection of these laid-off people out of their own satisfaction, to enrich their own sects. Can be seen at this time of the Buddha is to rely on the monopoly power of the super cents gradually developed.
(a) of the population structure
challenge by Monkey God, Buddha was not only a higher status, but also to see God's decay. Zang and through the training process, the success of God, demon of the outstanding figures in the Buddhist sects Shoulong. We have reason to believe that after the Journey to the West, there will be a great battle with God, Buddha, and this war will decide who is the real king.
(based on how IBM and Microsoft feel the path of development is very similar, do the development of Microsoft's reference to the Buddha?)
example, Journey to the West, the Monkey King from the lawlessness to be pursued, the whole process complicated procedures, transfer layers, layers divide our forces, but finally failed. The Buddha, the Buddhist sutras, such as the Goddess of Mercy to find the process of people, from the highest leadership to issue commands to the Buddha Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy and in its sole discretion, direct the successful completion of the task will be to avoid many of the procedures, but also to avoid the information transmission errors. Of course, this organizational structure we can look at the advantages and disadvantages of management, naturally, and clear. From the human perspective, the Buddha was the principal means by two, one through the ordeal, from the demon, and demons in the selection. One is the outstanding elements of Buddhist population, through the strict implementation of training, access to promotion.
However, the demons really no way to do it? No, there is magic.
leading authority on the system is used. Secondly, for God's supernatural power, and not numerical standards and requirements, high strength, such as us, Yang Jian, vulgar, such as Ma, can enter for the Protoss. Finally, the number of God, not restrictions, although there are fixed positions, but not compiled limit. This continues to the Monkey King as an example. Monkey King as Bima Wen, there Bima Wen's job, but no Ding Yuan. Through the book's descriptions, we can see Bima Wen is a former, but I do not know Who were the reasons leading to the long-term vacant positions. After the Monkey King as God before being appointed to the post. . Because of these points to the Journey to the West after the period from Gods point of view, the number of God on the basis of Gods have increased dramatically, but the quality has been compared to regress. For example, Juling Shen, in Gods time is not, but God of War Journey times have become an important one, but the combat effectiveness of reference Monkey Juling Shen, and Yang Jian and us, the gap is not the slightest bit. God can be seen at this time the overall combat effectiveness is relatively poor. Cents before the Gods can be said that the most powerful. Gods ago, the world is only cents cents controlled by the demon and the Western business education is provided escorts quasi-two. Cents at this time can certainly be said to be a dominant. However, after the Gods, I do not know what changes to the Journey to the West during cents have fallen to very scattered condition, rapid decline in the number of personnel, a considerable portion are diverted or is switched to the other ethnic groups, the purpose of this job-hopping to the main God, Buddha, ghost populations.
Gods: Sin high above, by the immortal demon is still leading, but God created, but the levels were lower than the cents position, is canonized by the fairy. Sin Hyun who is still learning to follow. People still live on earth. Gods action by the West to teach a certain degree of growth.
from the Gods to the Journey to the West through the analysis, we can already conclude that among these two, there is a hidden history. And this history, we also have a vague shadow. We integrated a variety of clues, combined with Chinese history, a reasonable guess, you can get an amazing result. Hong Jun ancestors created a fairy, his disciples built illustrates Yuanshi Senior's education, Tongtianjiaozhu established a cut-off to teach, and Lao Zi is not established denominations. This illustrates to teach, and some, like the ancient Chinese aristocracy, demanding on the staff. The cut is very much like to teach School, regardless of the height and base, have become immortal opportunities. It is precisely because the two sides had differences, which also led to the Gods.
this time, a top-secret history of almost certain.
the previous example, there is the Monkey King in Journey to the West, Red Boy, etc. as evidence. One example is the post-Zang. From Journey to the West, and did not see the Buddha directly from God in the poaching of the case, it can be determined, the Buddha is not directly in the Journey to the West during the selection of characters from the gods. However, one God, Buddha figures in fancy, I think, or will use all means to make God, God himself kicked out of this figure the population to become demon or demons, or even other people and the first biological, then the Buddha said earlier in accordance with the first means to be guided into the Buddha.
Gods ago: Sin superior to the masses control the demon led by Sin, Sin Hyun who is learning to follow, people living in the world. In addition, the West appeared in the West to teach the organization.

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