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Wto 13:27, 15 Lut 2011
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Temat postu: That summer, I love this trance _233

That summer, I love this trance

That summer, I love this trance A times to see Ting, I caught fire at the same time down the stairs in the corner, I bold to hit her. She was holding a stack of documents to building peaceful, was I upset, scared tip up, cover your hand instinctively Department. But it was too late, my right arm was not prepared to meet her sensitive parts, so soft, so full of shells. She hands the file as nursing and scattered down like huge snowflakes floating to the ground. I have never seen such a pure and beautiful girl, beautiful I Xinchan, I stared at her badly rabbit heart. She wore a white silk blouse, under a gray lead a very pretty child, half-length hair just right, hanging on their shoulders, eyes not large, but it is the double, a Dimei can tell, is a very subtle kind of beauty, her nose slightly fan, Pakistan rosy, because some of the shock, looking like two peach blush, let my heart and full of pity. I looked at her so innocently. She saw me hit the post went so far as such defiance, and not looking through the dirty looks good: , stuffed into her hand, I do not just glance from my right arm is the site of encounter. Happened to see the girl, she hard a low, Min Zhao, took the file to rush the floor, turn, I saw her cheeks red clouds flying, also saw a touch of the corner of her eyes. I watched the girl went upstairs, feeling the right arm, the worry is not reported. Two later, I knew she Ting, factories, typists, because there is no room, before switching to the third floor of our workshop. I often see on the second floor corridor ting down, our eyes often, and I could feel her views, her eyes when throwing over the Han Yan rain, fall like Yang. Came out my friend told me she was going to the third floor to catch the girl, he said the third floor to the three girls, all typists, that he did not dare Ting fishing, that could not control. I go out fishing, she said I was the only appropriate, but let me lose, that there is already a strong young man to her attack. I hate the word fishing, but I miss the feeling when you hit ting. I took out the celebrate the plant's Shi Gao won the first prize essay to the next. Ming laughed and said I was the text soaring intellectuals, testing the waters should be so sour. Clear to me that the print is issued, said the poem, the girl said that the poem is very literary grace. I suddenly restless, have a heart to eat the hormone-like soaring. Finally, I used the opportunity to organize the work of drawing point moved to the third floor room next door type, were I to help out, he went so far as a mouse like a cat Diao captured a girl. I also want to learn from him, something tends to go ting, but I did not specify that ability, although ting my eyes let me see that she is not feeling me, the sort of thing even though I thought the longer the crazy, but I Ting's still just a bowl of cooked rice exposure. She never accepted my invitation to see a movie, let alone I would like to take the opportunity to kiss her rosy lips, touching about her playing the Department. Three when the rainy season, I suddenly felt Ting changed. She no longer as before rain with Hanyan looking at me, but met my eyes for a quick go on the ground, phase, and that she was a strong young man to talk and laugh out of the double, especially in the rain, strong red umbrella name of a patrol walking in the rain-ting, this is my heart the most classic diffuse model is not actually used it! I do not know that under the protection of the red umbrella, Ting is Dianqi her toes? ! Heart soaring things sharp knife, cut cut my soul. Do, Do I look to cross over not only laugh that flatter the strong? That rainy afternoon, I rushed into the typing pool by Jiujin, get rid of the other two girls, clinging to the ting, typing like a hand if nothing had happened, I those documents lift the floor. Ting, let me clutch, stared at me, do not earn, nor what to say. I suddenly exploded in a nuclear bomb, as red as Ehu flutter, and I to Banguo her shoulders, kissed her thick lips to wrap, that almost makes me feel faint. When I bend beneath the tired, when suddenly the pressure of cross-ting God as angry as she was to get out with me. The two girls heard the cry came running and found that Ting is on me roar, stunned Mudeng stay. I walked out dejected, I do not understand why, when she kissed her along like a jade, release her, she shouted in front of me other side. The next day, the strong wedge to hit my face covered, said Ting was his, she was a hair if I meet again, and he and I am one, he said, Ting is not me, I do not be so shameless. Four later, Ming told me , I was crestfallen to left, Ting cried, cried a lot. Clearly do not understand is that I go back and finish strong, but was ting a bar. Ming told me that these are the girl told him to catch him. Half of my pain is the sea, half of the flame, I seem to see a faint trembling ray of light in the rainy season. But when I walked into the typing room, they were often driven by Ting Zhu Keling cold out. Why is always the summer rainy season, dry, making trance, as I love dim and Sentimental. Day, Ming told me a shocking news, he said,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Ting actually have friends, a wealthy businessman in Zhejiang Province, more than 9 years old big ting, ting, do not like him, but Ting Father was very partial to discuss this very happy will use the money of the wealthy, they forced Ting said from life, what can not, but not without money. Ting is a very thought, she will not agree with the parent's point of view, but she was a dutiful daughter, would prefer to put the pain in my heart do not want to hurt the father. Despite the situation I and heart-ting surprised, but very sad in that she was chosen only know how to flatter the strong to get rid of laugh love crisis. Out Listen to my painful, very intimate very adept in persuading me that the girl vanity strong, like the flatter, more like her in the pursuit of all that, Ming said, Maybe you're just a prop, when I could not catch her, and is afraid of this. I do not believe this is the ting, but she is often shown in front of an audience to reject me, and she and strong opponents out of hand in front of me, so I have to painfully admit the fact that the Ming said. Weekend afternoon, then trance is still the rainy season, when the bright red umbrella that accompanied the impact of strong and Ting passing my window, I was impatient to throw to the Office of the stool In the past, smashing in the door. As one, I can go,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but I will never have no dignity, I swear, from now on, I will never see Ting a, even though her eyes Hanyan like Prodigy's �����֮�� rain, but also Want to keep me in front of an audience to her show. I vow not to hear, Zamen sound off, I only heard the strong burst of laughter vain to meet. Five After that, I can I have seen no let-ting to know her, I never again went to a typing room, my life is as calm and quiet, like Chula. Gradually, I found that Ting has become worn out, the corner of my eyes told me that she just wanted to drop restrained sometimes to think that caught my attention, but I will not go against my oath. Lan my life still is not scared, despite my heavy heart full of unspeakable pain. Few days later,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the city took place at a dance hall with a fire, I heard that the boss is in Zhejiang, a fire broke out in the jump, a reduced among the poor, and that , turned out to be the order of the Friends of the parent-ting. The case was soon broken, the fire intensity is the culprit, according to the law,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], at least he was sentenced to seven years. While I was glad when the intensity is only themselves to blame, but I accidentally received a letter, made me surprise, turned out to be Ting signed the letter. Ting in the letter telling me that all her planning, so that the wealthy father of tilting the heart of the family property to absolute, it is difficult to break the law and her strong love, Ting said, these are for me. Ting said that, since time was I hit, her sense of casement also broken open, and she likes me blankly like I like the way intellectuals, but in order not to move the sound to break the order of the parent's marriage she had to capture it for me to take a vertical approach, I hope I will understand, she believed me and her will be like roses in full bloom in the summer of the same, the fresh bright and the rainy season will make the rose fragrance. Six My heart is like to be screwed the same pain with a towel! I also never less than amazed that Mulan was actually a woman. So has the quality of the Ting elegant fragrance could even do so with terrible scheming! Am I alone who have the haggard and Ting could even as the realization of their own self-interest is so unscrupulous it? Horrible, so I have no Ayutthaya how can this girl? However, I really can not forget the kind of Han Yan Ting eyes rain, forget the day she came downstairs the feeling hit, forget the bright blue of her pure heart LOH that the quality ... .... Night, I can not sleep, crazy adsorption had never smoked cigarettes, consumed a whole. My drive worked fine as to be able to collapse the same. Next day, out to see me stunned and speechless, he said, as my eyes soaked in the inside, as countless red, looked like a withered The shape of the fall off the tree. I told Ming woodenly, I transferred back home to go. Out again, stunned speechless, he said that Zhejiang rich bankrupt, also finished strong, is heaven-sent opportunity to capture Ting, why do you have to leave it? I was silent. Next move, out loud, you are not afraid of the charges back added insult to injury? Can you not, you like her from the bones, the beginning! See I was too tired leaning upon her chair, Ming throat up, You cowards! Do you think you are a gentleman, I tell you, for fear can not have that reputation back, you will totally end is a hypocrite! Oh, never enough in this assessment items! I finally growled. I may not Ye Hao, that was my freedom, you no right to interfere! I am a hypocrite then? So what! Ming the third time stunned and speechless, startled for a moment, he was out of the dormitory to the door with a clap of thunder was his general. Outside the heavy rain, my training and preparation his umbrella, he did not answer, but one foot to kick back, and then Jizou in the rain. I picked up the umbrella, could not restrain a sense of depression, tears flowing down the same springs. Seven I credit Ting No such investigation the way back to her for days, Ting's eyes are red and swollen, but I still did not let-ting that I've seen her. Later, the ting there have not in my view, she transferred to a unit to go very far. I finally go back to the south, and before leaving, I found out, for that day's not cool to apologize to him. Cried out, he said he could not bear my anger is gone, I want to keep Ting. Run my eyes, I said, bosom friend, stands for ever, as long as the heart of the same, goes, we will find each other in their own side. Said this, I thought of a ting, I do not know, do not wife-ting, but also can not be my confidante. My heart was filled with melancholy, can not tell wandering helpless. Summer rainy season is not cool, only sadness, as the windows shaking off the raindrops dream to make trance and helpless. Leave the station, when bent into the site tomorrow, and I firmly stopped him, I really fear that whistle blow wave goodbye when the moment. Clearly hard to bite my cheeks wrapped raw so, and then pounding my fist, and said roll bar. I am full of sad to leave, was surprised to find a child came to me waving. I stood still. Child blow in with a letter in front of me shaking, uncle, have you a letter, an aunt sent me. I reached to pick, but clever child to get out, that you promised to have to wait for the train after the open look. I'm little. The hands of the letter to my children, envelopes, no writing. I asked the child, aunt it? A child playfully refers back to the sea, and then disappeared in the crowded square. As I look at the past, the vast sea, in the street, there is a bright red umbrella in the rain curtain hanging down in the lonely open, dejected and sad. My heart is trembling, pain in bursts. Whistle blow the moment, I tore open the envelope and read the familiar handwriting, my breast sharp ups and downs, have not read, I was moved to tears already down. I am frantically looking for crew to open the door, I want to jump, I can not let ting go of a broken marriage that is not rich in Zhejiang, I want to tell her that Repentance is not remorse,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], nor is it the same, no, never was ... ...! Postscript the long river of blurred all my marks, except that the summer rainy season, I always Mingxinkegu to hard to forget, I really do not know why tis summer will litter the so sorrowful rose, desolate. Years later, I have a wife have children, however, that the bitterness of the summer has always been vaguely like a wound, such as ants bit my teeth. Finally get out of life, as agreed, that the summer rainy season, I contacted the ting was removed after the martyrdom not care to tread Express bound for northern Jiangsu, Ting said, coming to the station to meet me. Tall bustling city in the street, I saw the rose that is still alone in the rain red parachutes, tis parachutes, like the lonely rose swaying in the rain. My heart is not a trace of change in tremor, I dash, tightly hugged the red umbrella that there is still a hint of fullness thin body. Red umbrella, Ting Dianqi the toes, I sent the late years of the classic diffuse. Ting tears, my eyes one. Umbrella, the rain Ruqirusu, tells of a decade failed to end the story, perhaps, this story has just begun, I know, maybe my whole world is only so big red umbrella, destined, but I like summer rainy season, as I like Ting was the moment I hit. That feeling, it is worth my life, Jane. (2006.7.15)
This article has been edited [ Autumn Road [/u]] modified in 2008-7-6 15:16:57

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