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Forum Strona Główna Nasz button Bleum Publishes Whitepaper on Outsourcing to China
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Czw 12:50, 24 Mar 2011
Autor Wiadomość

Dołączył: 20 Gru 2010
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Temat postu: Bleum Publishes Whitepaper on Outsourcing to China

Bleum,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], one of China's top IT outsourcing providers to American and European companies, commissioned its whitepaper, "Outsourcing to China -- Removing the Risks & Maximize Competitive Advantage" from Frost and Sullivan,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], a leading consulting firm with operations around the world.
As the economic downturn starts to wane and conditions become more favorable, many organizations will ask CIOs to deliver more while at the same time keeping IT budgets flat. In order to achieve these seemingly opposing objectives,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], one of the effective ways is to broaden the use of outsourcing and in particular, China, as a major provider of offshored IT services is now normally considered for this kind of work.
This paper discusses the drivers and inhibitors for choosing China as an offshoring destination and also contain recommendations for effectively engaging with Chinese outsourcers including how to select a Chinese IT Services provider with the aim of mitigating risks via a vendor evaluation framework,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], checklist and scorecard.
"Offshoring and Outsourcing are inevitable, and organizations even in this economic turmoil should not only care about cutting cost, but more importantly focus on maximizing their competitive edge over their competitors through offshore outsourcing," said Eric Rongley, CEO and founder of Bleum. "Outsourcing can decrease the total cost of ownership and improve a company's internal operations,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], quality and productivity. There are now companies over here which have de-risked outsourcing in China."

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